Thank you for choosing GBV Rentals, principal vehicle hire operator in the South Midlands. With GBV Rentals you can be confident that you are insured by a company which is relentless in its commitment to protect and serve you. GBV Rentals work in partnership with insurance advisers to ensure you receive the highest levels of cover. If you are involved in an accident, you will be in safe hands. GBV Rentals trained team aim to treat you, as you would expect, both promptly and fairly.

GBV Rental insurance policy applies to hirer and authorised driver(s) that meets the following requirements (unless agreed otherwise by us and you):

  1. Hirer/driver eligibility minimum 21 years and up to 70 years of age.
  2. Hirer's/driver 71 years up to maximum 75 years of age will require further assurance and incur increase damage risk protection and a higher excess level. 
  3. Held a full UK driving licence for at least two years if under 25 years of age or over two years of between 21 and 24 years of age and has produced the licence for inspection by you.
  4. Hirer/driver(s) not engaged in professional gambling, sport or entertainment, hawking or general dealing, street or market trading or modelling.
  5. Not involved in more than one motoring accident or claim within the preceding three years
  6. Not been convicted of any motoring offence or has a prosecution pending other than parking or speeding offence.
  7. Referred to any medical condition requiring driver and DVLA notification and authorisation been granted by the DVLA.
  8. Refused motor insurance at normal rates and terms or declined insurance or had any insurance policy cancelled by an Insurer.

IMPORTANT! From 8th June 2015 the DVLA have abolished the paper counterpart of the UK issued Driving Licence. On collection, you will need to show your DVLA photographic licence or the old style paper licence. GBV Rentals require confirmation of any convictions/offences of all driver(s) therefore please generate a unique code 72 hours prior to hire or bring along your national insurance number and an agent will carry out this procedure in your presence. If any of the facts, statements and information supplied by you are inaccurate, GBV Rentals must be contacted immediately. Failure to do so could invalidate the policy and rental. You are expected throughout the period of cover to adhere to the terms, conditions, exceptions and limits in the self-drive proposal. GBV Rentals reserve the right retrospectively to review your premiums and impose increased terms as necessary.

One of the conditions is to notify GBV Rentals of any accident promptly. Certain claims, for example, theft, or malicious acts must be immediately reported to the Police and you will be provided with a Police incident reference. In order to notify us of an Own Damage or Third-Party claim please contact your hire desk representative whereby you will be asked to complete an insurance claim form. 

If you are involved in a motoring accident, please remember to be polite and do not admit liability. You will be expected to provide Third-party name, address, driving licence details, make/model of Third-party vehicle, registration, witnesses, weather conditions, accident location and possibly a Police crime reference. The claim does not cover tyre blow-outs, punctures, glass damage, negligent damage and glass damage and above cab height damage.

Failure not to provide this information may invalidate your claim. Should you have any questions feel free to contact your GBV Rental's hire desk representative.

To ensure you meet the terms, conditions, exclusions and limits set-out in the proposal you will be asked to perform an on-line driving license check,

Damage waiver protection reduces your risk liability in the event of any mis-adventure including damage or theft. The insurance excess will be charged every time a vehicle is damaged, lost or stolen. If damage waiver is declined, you will be required to pay for loss of revenue, administration fees, diminishment of value, any towing/recovery, storage and/or impound costs.

Vehicle Groups

High Level


Medium Level


Low Level














Vans 3.5T GVW and below




Vehicles up to 7.5T GVW




Damage waiver does not cover: damage caused by the use of the wrong fuel or any failure to take all reasonable measures to look after the vehicle keys or any other device which unlocks the vehicle and/or enables the vehicle to be started. In the event of the following incidents, damage waiver will be void:

  • Damage caused by failure to secure the vehicle’s keys.
  • Failure to lock the vehicle.
  • Un-authorised repairs on the vehicle.
  • Failure to stop using the vehicle once a fault known.
  • Driven by an un-authorised driver.
  • Driven by an unlicensed driver
  • Use for hire and reward
  • Use of vehicle for any illegal purpose
  • Deliberately causing injury
  • Damage to property
  • Racing
  • Pace-making
  • Teaching someone to drive
  • Use whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Use of the vehicle outside of the United Kingdom without our written permission.
  • Overloaded with more passengers than seatbelts
  • Towing
  • Use off road
  • Transporting dangerous or noxious substances
  • Use of vehicle in a reckless manner
  • Use of vehicle on an aerodrome, airfield, airport or military installation

Hire Insurance Cover